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  • Writer's pictureLambeth Links

LGBTQ+ Specific Stop Smoking Pilot Programme!

We are pleased to announce a pilot project for those who want to stop smoking but also discuss why they do in the first place, in a safe and welcoming space.

In a tailored approach, Lambeth Links have partnered with Art4Space and Guy's and St Thomas' Trust (GSTT) Stop Smoking Team to design a programme specific to our Community.


LGBTQ+ people are far more likely to smoke than straight people. A Queer Voices Heard report published in 2020 provides insight into why this is.

The report noted that LGBTQ+ smokers feel that smoking cessation campaigns do not cater to their needs, and instead, campaigns directed at us only focus on sexual health.

Participants for the report said that to address the reasons for smoking among LGBTQ+ individuals, a holistic approach is needed.

Lambeth Links advocates for our Community, recognising that health inequalities for us are much worse. As a result, we applied for funding from Lambeth Public Health and were successful, allowing us to run this unique pilot.


We are offering a 10-week programme, created by Art4 Space, that will explore ways of practicing mindfulness, creativity, and engage in conversations about smoking and healthy living that can be brought into your daily life.

The GSTT team will provide the practical elements for successful smoking cessation. We hope that in working together but differently we will go beyond a simple stop smoking programme.

As part of the programme, the group will together create a collective artwork that we will exhibit at the end of the course.

When and Where?

The weekly sessions start on 27th April, running for 10 weeks (no 15th June session) completing on 6th July. They will run from 4pm - 6pm at Art4Space's studio, a few moments walk from Stockwell tube station, at 31 Jeffreys Road, SW4 6QU.


The group is for LGBTQ+ people who live in Lambeth and there are 12 free places available. Scan the QR code below and complete the online form, or email Julie from Art4Space at

If you know someone who wants to take part but cannot register online, you can refer on their behalf with their permission.

Lambeth Links Chair and Founder Chris French commented: "This is such an exciting programme, highlighting the differences there are in health outcomes for our Community and working in ways that recognise this from the outset. We're so happy to be working with another fantastic local group, Art4Space, to deliver this along with the very positive input from the GSTT Smoking Cessation Team for the benefit our Lambeth LGBTQ+ Community."

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